
Introduction to phoenix winnonlin
Introduction to phoenix winnonlin

In recent work, a clinical aspiration study was performed that aimed to measure the impact of physiological variables on the systemic exposure of orally-administered ibuprofen (immediate-release tablets, 800 mg). GI motility is defined by the different contractile phases of the migrating motor complex (MMC): phase I is an inert period with little activity phase II features sporadic contractions gradually ascending in magnitude and phase III is characterized by powerful, high-frequency contractile bursts that promote emptying of contents where peak flow rates are observed. The constantly changing climate of GI pH and motility patterns can alter drug behavior along the GI tract in such a way that it is necessary to investigate these mechanisms and, in a next step, to take these variables into account in in vitro and in silico predictive models to facilitate oral drug development. The knowledge about the impact of the surrounding dynamic GI environment on drug- and formulation behavior remains rather scarce and requires further investigation. As these studies contributed to formulation behavior in the GI tract, it was not always straightforward to correlate the measured drug concentrations in the upper part of the small intestine with concentrations appearing in blood. Subsequently, drug concentrations were determined in these aspirates in parallel with collecting blood samples to assess systemic exposure. In these studies, drug concentrations were measured in healthy volunteers after aspiration of GI fluids after oral administration. The knowledge has improved about the intestinal behavior of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in terms of solubility, dissolution, permeation, supersaturation, and precipitation, as demonstrated in different clinical aspiration studies performed over the last ten years. Establishing the link between biopredictive in vitro dissolution testing and mechanistic oral absorption modeling (i.e., physiologically-based biopharmaceutics modeling (PBBM)) creates an opportunity to potentially request biowaivers in the near future for orally administered drug products, regardless of its classification according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS).Īlthough advances have been made and insights have improved throughout the years, there is still a lot of gastrointestinal (GI) variables that are poorly understood that should be investigated for their influence on drug release and systemic exposure after oral intake of a drug product. While simulations can be performed and mechanistic insights can be gained from such simulations from current software, we need to move from correlations to predictions (IVIVC → IVIVP) and, moreover, we need to further determine the dynamics of the GI variables controlling the dosage form transit, disintegration, dissolution, absorption and metabolism along the human GI tract. All this work refers to the fact that important, yet crucial, gastrointestinal (GI) variables should be integrated into biopredictive dissolution testing (low buffer capacity media, considering phosphate versus bicarbonate buffer, hydrodynamics) to account for a valuable input for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform programs. It should be noted that all simulations were performed in an ideal framework as we were in possession of a plethora of in vivo data (e.g., motility, pH, luminal and systemic concentrations) in order to evaluate and optimize these models.

#Introduction to phoenix winnonlin software

A mechanistic oral absorption model coupled with a two-compartmental pharmacokinetic (PK) model was built in Phoenix WinNonlinWinNonlin ® software and in the GastroPlus™ simulator. The aim of this study was to predict the systemic concentrations of ibuprofen after oral administration of an 800 mg immediate-release (IR) tablet to healthy subjects in fasted-state conditions. To do so, intraluminal and systemic data are desirable to judge the predicted outcomes. Fully relying on these models as a surrogate tool requires continuous optimization and validation. The application of in silico modeling to predict the in vivo outcome of an oral drug product is gaining a lot of interest.

Introduction to phoenix winnonlin